E-Mail Weekly Update

Book Club, LakeWay Design, W Wash-SW Path Intersection

Winter biking photos are the best, but there’s no snow. Here’s a photo by Harold Kliems from last month to get you back in the mood.

Welcome to the update. Not much snow around which makes some happy and others sad. I’m in the sad group but it is a bit easier to get around by bike. Here’s what’s happening this week.

Madison LakeWay Schematic Design – Public Meeting

This is your chance to learn about the proposed lakeshore and path features along the John Nolen Drive causeway. A virtual meeting, held by Madison Parks, will take place on Thursday, January 23rd, from 6:30-8:00 PM. You can register for the meeting here. Parks and design team representatives will present an overview of the master plan recommendations. The project timeline includes completing the schematic design by early 2025, continuing design development through 2026, and construction anticipated to begin in 2027. Here is a link to the draft of the master plan.

From Lake Monona Waterfront Master Plan Draft

Bicycle Book Club

The book: Killed by a Traffic Engineer, by Wes Marshall.
The discussion: Moderated by Alder Bill Tishler
When/where: Machinery Row Bicycles, Sunday, January 26, 4-6pm
Sponsors: Machinery Row Bicycles, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Madison Bikes

Time to start reading if you haven’t already! Hopefully you were able to find a book. As of January 17, Machinery Row reports they have exhausted their second supply of books donated by Madison Bikes. Demand at public libraries is also high, so there appears to be quite a bit of interest.
There will be two unique subsequent sessions. One on Feb 2 at Machinery row with a virtual option, and the other live at Machinery Row on Feb 9.
For more information on the series click on this link:

Vision Zero Newsletter

The Vision Zero Quarterly Newsletter was released last week. It includes coverage of the Autumn Ridge Path and school zone safety

Community Survey for Southwest Plan Input

The City of Madison’s Planning Division mailed out postcards on Wednesday, January 15 to a randomly-selected group of people living in the Southwest Area as part of the ongoing Area Plan process. The survey closes on February 10. If you did not receive a survey, you can participate in the survey via a public link. A second survey will be sent out in the spring after feedback from the first survey is received. Survey results will be posted on the project web page later this spring.
Here is a link to the Southwest Area Plan Webpage. Check out the Southwest Area Plan interactive commenting map. Cyclists and others have already entered lots of suggestions. You can quickly and easily add your input as well.

Southwest Plan boundaries. City of Madison

– Upcoming Meetings –

Transportation Commission Meeting

The January 22 agenda includes an update on the W Washington at SW Path lane reduction test. Discussion of this item will cover the impacts of interventions such as RRFBs, fully signalizing the intersection, and pedestrian hybrid beacons, as well as the lane reductions. The meeting will be virtual and starts at 5pm. Here is a link to meeting information where you can enter written comments, register to speak at the meeting, and/or view the agenda with attachments.

Area of SW Path-W Wash intersection (City of Madison)

Midvale Resurfacing Project Public Information Meeting

January 30, 6:30pm: Hybrid meeting (live at Sequoya library and via Zoom)
The resurfacing project, from Mineral Point to University Ave, provides opportunities for improved safety updates, such as pedestrian crossings, and possibly bike lanes. This is a chance to provide input. More information in next week’s update.

As always, you can find an overview of all bike events on our Community Bike Calendar. Email us at to add your events. And if you value our newsletter and other work, consider donating to Madison Bikes. For construction updates, check out the city’s Bike Madison page.

Thanks to our sponsors who make our events possible!