E-Mail Weekly Update

JND/Broom intersection; Atwood almost done; Holiday Fantasy in Lights

Let’s start with a quick reminder that the Cap City Trail on the John Nolen Drive causeway is closed for repairs this week until Friday. More info here:

Speaking of John Nolen Drive, last week the Transportation Commission approved the design for the intersection of Broom Street and John Nolen Drive. The new intersection will be a great improvement of the current design: The bike/pedestrian crossing will become much wider and have space for people queuing at the crossing; a slip lane from John Nolen Drive to Broom will be removed, and there will be a connection to the to-be-built bike path on the north side of John Nolen Drive. And in case you were wondering: Yes, the City is making sure that the placement of the path will be compatible with a potential underpass at the North Shore Drive crossing.

Drawing of the proposed geometry of the Broom/John Nolen intersection. Highlighted are a large queuing area, the 19ft wide crossing, the removed slip lane, the new path on the north side, and the connection to Broom and Wilson St.

Atwood Ave almost done

In other good news: The Atwood Avenue project is getting close to completion. The street is now open to two-way traffic. The only big missing piece is the completion of the bridge approaches for bike path on the south side of the project. Here are some pictures from last weekend of the path on the north side:

Save the date: Car-Free Holiday Fantasy in Lights, Nov 14

After we had hundreds of people walking and biking through the holiday Fantasy in Lights at Olin Park in early January, the organizers granted us permission to have another car-free event this year. Unfortunately we were given only a two-hour window before the cars come roaring back, but at least it’s earlier in the season. So save the date for November 14 at 5pm. We’re still working out some of the details and will keep you posted.

The lighted "Holiday Fantasy in Lights" arch with a drawing of a family riding a cargo bike in front of it.