Monroe Street will be reconstructed in 2017. On June 13 the first of a number of public meetings will take place, providing you an important opportunity to provide input early on in the process. The meeting will take place at the Wingra School Gymnasium (second floor), 718 Gilmore Street, from 7–9 pm. Registration is recommended but optional.
Right now biking and walking on Monroe Street isn’t always a pleasant experience: Crosswalks are frequently ignored by people driving, sidewalks are narrow, and the lack of bike infrastructure makes people cycling either entirely avoid Monroe or ride on the sidewalk. Reconstructing Monroe Street provides an immensely important opportunity to rethink how space should be allocated on this important corridor. Providing input on what you want changed on Monroe at this early stage of decision making is crucial. The amount of right-of-way between buildings is limited, meaning that trade-offs will be necessary. So please attend this meeting and make sure that the new Monroe Street will become a better place.