Bike News

Go Vote! And other things to do this week

Please go vote on Tuesday, if you haven’t already.

You can find more information about polling places and what is on your ballot here.

This week


Events committee will be meeting to put the final touches on our Winter Bike Fashion Show 6 pm at Rockhound Brewery.


Go Vote!

Roll to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 6 with a free daily pass from Madison BCycle! Promo codes will be posted on all kiosks on Election Day as well as Madison BCycle social media accounts.

Communications committee meeting has been moved back to next week so that everyone is able to go vote.


N. Fish Hatchery Rd. Reconstruction –⁠ Public Meeting
Leopold Elementary School 5:30 pm
Join the City of Fitchburg and project consultants for a presentation and discussion of the preliminary corridor design for the north Fish Hatchery Road reconstruction. The preliminary design will be informed by data and design analysis, and community input to-date. Feedback on the preliminary design will be used to inform the final design, which will be presented in spring 2019. The north Fish Hatchery Road reconstruction is anticipated to begin in late 2019, with the bulk of construction occuring during 2020.

Wilson Street Public Information Meeting
Madison Municipal Building Board Room 7 – 9 pm

We worked really hard to try to get eastbound lanes on E Wilson to facilitate access in this corridor. The Board of Public Works and the Council passed plans for the reconstruction of E Wilson without those lanes, but the resolution it include a guarantee that there would be safe and comfortable accommodations for all modes in entire corridor by the time the Judge Doyle Square was opened, including the Bike Center. So speak up at this meeting about the need for have two-way bike traffic.

This is from a budget amendment (the city is going through its budget process right now), so this a quick heads up. Here’s the language from the budget:

Wilson Street, from Broom Street to Henry Street, is scheduled for reconstruction in 2019. The City of Madison will use this opportunity to study the full Wilson Street corridor from Broom Street to Blair Street and how it functions for all modes of transportation. The first public involvement meeting on Thursday November 8 will present existing conditions as well as goals and objectives for the corridor. The second public involvement meeting, scheduled for Thursday December 6 will review alternatives for the corridor.


2018 Sun Prairie Cup Cyclocross Race
This is your chance to hoist ‘The Cup’! The Brazen Dropouts are excited to host the 2018 Sun Prairie Cup Cyclocross Race! They’ll be bringing another fun, fast, and technical course (perhaps some new features?!). The Nitty Gritty will be on-site cooking up hot food, and there might just be some beer on the hill (for those of age). Additionally, a kids race will be held in the middle of the day.

November MadTown Unity Ride
10 am – 1 pm Meet at Villager Mall on Park Street


Nov 17, 1:00 pm at the High Noon — Our Winter Bike Fashion Show is fast approaching. We are looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the event. And there is still time to apply to be a model for the show. Email is you would like to help out or be a model.

Don’t forget, you can find times, locations, and more details of these meetings and events on the Madison Bikes Community Calendar. If you’d like to submit an event, send it to